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#collegebound The Magic DI Pill

Over the years, we have been a part of thousands of players journey to college baseball. It seems that today - more and more parents and players are in search of that Magic Pill - the secret formula to become a DI player.

One of our on again/off again players recently called us to let us know that he found it. He found the training organization that allowed him to hit his goal of throwing 90MPH. This particular organization had the special workout program and the right training environment that allowed him to unlock 90MPH as a rising senior.

Sadly enough, we saw 90 MPH in this particular player as a rising sophomore - yet this player never stuck with a training plan or organization long enough to see the results. Through the years, this player has gone through 5 travel ball organizations, 4 training organizations and 3 high schools in search of that Magic DI Pill. All of this effort and to date this player has not had a meaningful conversation with a DI college baseball coach.

Yet - that secret formula was available to him all along. You see that Magic DI Pill - the ever elusive secret formula - is called The Grind.

The Grind is a combination of a plan put together with experts that have helped others on the journey and relentless effort and pursuit - day in and day out of the workouts, training and tactics to get you there. It is staying the course - realizing that this is a journey that takes time, is not a straight line and full of obstacles that will make you question many things including your pursuit.

Our College Baseball Match athletes know exactly what it takes to get to their school of choice on the field, in the classroom and at the bank. Our athletes partner with training organizations like Hard 90 Baseball that run a proven, professional combine to help them achieve their goals.

The players we work with have a target list of schools that they are interested in attending and know why they are interested in these schools. Our players proactively reach out by phone to the coaches at the schools they are interested in to keep the coaches up to date on their progress. Our players train their five tools aggressively, go all in with their teammates and training partners - all the while getting it done in the classroom.

Our programs are not for everyone - just those that want to sell out to The Grind.

College Baseball Match can help you chart your course to college baseball. Log on today to get started.

Hard 90 Baseball can provide you the training through a proven combine that will get you the results you need - sign up today!

Facility Hours

Mon-Thurs: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Fri: 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Sat: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sun: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Contact Us

Phone: (916) 365-4977


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1235 Glenhaven Court, Suite 250

El Dorado Hills, CA, 95762

© Copyright 2023 Hard 90 Baseball

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