18 USA Baseball Alumni Drafted in 1st Round
In the 1st round of the 2018 MLB draft, 18 USA Baseball Alumni were drafted. Including one Hard 90 Alumni Nick Madrigal - draft #4 by the Chicago White Sox.
Is this a coincidence? I think not.
USA Baseball has a long standing tradition of attracting top players in the United States to try out for their national teams. USA Baseball partners with the MLB to promote and develop the game of baseball on the grassroots level, both nationally and internationally.
Should you have your child tryout for the National Team? If you think your player would like to play baseball in high school, college or professionally, the National Team tryout is very beneficial:
1. The tryout process exposes your player to the 5 tools of baseball and the key measurements and trainability of those measurements for success.
2. The tryout process exposes your player to other top players in your area, region, nationally and internationally.
3. Your player will gain feed back on key areas they can improve.
4. Your player will see what is possible in the game and it can motivate them to work harder.
5. The tryout process is a phenomenal experience.
How do you start the tryout process? Hard 90 is the Sacramento Region Section operator for USA Baseball. Hard 90 is holding a tryout on Sunday, April 14, 2019.