#1 Question To Ask Before Considering Travel Baseball Organization

With the growth and popularity of competitive youth sports, a number of organizations have formed offering youth sports teams. Competitive youth sports can be very exciting - particularly when you have the opportunity to join a new team.
That said before you join a new team, it is important to step back and consider the organization you are joining. After all, you are placing your child in an environment where he or she will receive coaching that could influence the rest of their life.
When joining an organization most the emphasis is put on the quality of sport, however, - THE #1 QUESTION YOU SHOULD ASK IS:
Does the organization perform background checks on its employees?
Seems like a very basic question and of course every organization does background checks on its employees - but this is simply not the case. Most organizations hire subcontractors and take coaches background at their word and assume that because they are a baseball guy - they must be a good guy.
You should inquire as to whether an organization runs full criminal background checks on its coaches and other workers and whether or not the organization actually employees it workers or whether the workers are sub contractors.
Interested in other questions you should ask a potential travel ball organization: Key Travel Ball Questions.