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Do you want to play baseball in High School?
High school baseball is getting more competitive each year. In order to make the team you need to be prepared - you need to have skills in baseball's 5 tools and a high baseball IQ.
Lucky for you, Hard 90 Baseball has been training high school players since 2005.
The staff at Hard 90 knows exactly what you need to be able to accomplish in order to play on a high school field. Last year alone, the team tested over 400 varsity high school players in the Sacramento region.
In order to prepare you, we are offering the Power Trio!
The Power Trio is a one of a kind membership:
For Junior High players
Personalized program developed by professional instructors and administered through an app on your phone
Advanced power hitting designed to increase bat exit speed
Advanced power throwing designed to increase throwing velocity
Strength and conditioning to improve athleticism
Membership is $149/month
The Power Trio Includes:
6 Days per week of programming that your athlete can do remotely
Programming for the 5 tools of baseball
3 Google Hangouts / Week with Professional Coach
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